
Step Into My Style...


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As I might have mentioned yesterady...this week is my study week...the exam is next Tuesday and I have a lot to do!
So if there is a lack of updates, you'll know I'm hanging out with my books!
See you later! =)


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yesterday evening...after 18:00

this morning....after 10:00

These photos are taken from the same kitchen window from my place.
What happened to the lovely spring weather we've been having since Friday ?!? Is it going to snow from now on?!? What the heck ?!?
We from Macedonia have a special saying for this month, Luda Baba Marta... Crazy Granny Martha...as in Mars the month =) and this exactly because the weather changes from sunny to snowy this quickly! =))))


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...think about it!
I'm out in the sun....probably doing some second hand shopping and walking in the park!


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Today will be spent with reading Monki Magazine that arrived with the mail this morning, playing with a pice of grey leather and pipeing joints/screws (DIY project maybe?!?) and writing some labb rapports here and there.
Most of all....quality time with the b'friend!


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Today is no regular day...it's my mom's birthday!!!!
Happy birthday mom! Have a great day and we'll celebrate it later with a delicious cake and some good wine! =)


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Good morning!
After a long night of movie/ Vampire Diaries watching woke up an hour ago! The coffee is done and the whole apartment smells of it! Nothing better on a Saturday morning..or yes,maybe a company to drink the coffee with, which is usually my b'friend. =) I do miss him!
Anyways...my first mission this morning is to wake up my sister and convience her to go second hand shopping with me. Will see if I succeed!
Have a Happy Saturday you all!!! See you later! =)


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Happy St.Valentine's my darlings!!!! Hope you have a great day!!!
Love you all! <3


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"Dette er et hint. Et ganske stort hint. Elsker virkelig looken til Ivanna, og det rød håret mot det svarte antrekket. Legg også merke til at hun har klippet ut skuldrene på skjorten. HOT! "

Big thanks to the gang at dagensoutfit.co for such lovely comments!


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It was almost three years ago, when me and my sister decided to develop some (read a lot) of our photos. Since we never received a note or got a call from the company that the photos are done and we can go and get them we gave up. Two days ago, I get this letter where it says that I can go and get my pictures that I've asked to be developed.
You have know idea about how happy, surprised and amazed I felt. I didn't even remember which photos I had sent for developing! I picked them up yesterday. It's basically my 2008! From Christmas and various parties, to our school trip to Poland and my first "back to Macedonia" trip with my sister!
Such joy to just look at them! Have been through them 1000 of times now!
It's time to buy some frames!!!


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Not so many photos were taken yesterday! But I love this one!!!
Cheers to us, white wine and red nails!!!! =)


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Today I'm just taking it easy, with some cleaning, doing some school work and having cozy chit-chat with mum,accompanied with black coffee and cookies!
Have a happy Sunday you all and I'll see you later!


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One of the best things that happened this year is that we got to move form our one-room apartment into a bigger one!
We've been living here a week and a half now, and I really like it! On the photos you see some of the (Christmas) decoration in the living room. There are still some bookshelves and curtains missing...but, we're getting there!

2010: TRIPS

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Went to Kumanovo,Macedonia by buss (remind me never to do that again!)...spent a lot of time with old friends and family...visited the capital for shopping =) went to nature places outside Kumanovo and even did a soap party at the town square!
Went to Ohrid, the lake city in Macedonia with the b'friend, my sister and her b'friend and had a blast.
After that went to Greece on vacation....and this time a real one. Got disconnected in every possible way and really enjoyed it! Would go there the next summer too!!!
Back to Kumanovo before we left, with a lot of live gigs, festivals and just hanging around with good beer and great people!


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The colors I've had the most on my nails this year are: grey (Miss Stone Heart), blue (Blue My Mind) and green (Envy Me)....all from H&M!

2010: THE CUT

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I've had so many different hairstyles, but couple of years ago I decided that I'm going to let it grow...so I only had a little trim now and then.
In September I decided that I'm going to cut it! Was a little afraid of how I'm going to look since I never had a hairstyle like this....but I really enjoy it!


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You all know the story how, this summer, in Macedonia, I met a girl who had some good-looking shoes. When I asked her where she'd bought them, she said she had them custom made!
After getting all the information about where I can get my custom made shoes I did!
The guy who made them loved them and so do I! =)


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Whenever I wear this nail-polish, my friend, Joanna, says that it reminded it of Christmas...after couple of years hanging out with her, this color started reminding me of Christmas too! So...in today's honor, my nails are painted with "Golden Rose"!


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Big part of this year has been spent in me, searching for pieces of clothing inspired with galaxy,planets and stars. Anything from tees to tights and dresses! Even got stuck with whole pictures with the space theme! Loved Christopher Canes resort collection!
Got addicted to "The Big Bang Theory" and started reading into Astrophysics =)
Bought a galaxy inspired tee from Gina Tricot and now I've got my eyes on that one from Acne!
I think that this obsession will continue even in the next year! I just can't get enough!


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I'm not done decorating the living room yet, but couldn't not decorate the Christmas tree! Now it's time to get dress and leave for my parents' house! Good food and company and a lot of presents sharing! Can't wait! =)
Marry Christmas to you all! Hope you enjoy yourself! =)


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I got these from the b'friend as an anniversary present!
The most comfortable shoes (besides my converse) I've ever owned! Spent the whole summer in them! =)