From Weekday and cost 500 SEK. Think they should be in store now.
I'm going to be ruined, but the white ones are going to be my next shoe shop, if they are in store next month! Hah! Perfect for this summer! Don't you think ?!?
Remember this post ?!? Since then I've wanted to see close up from the jewelry...and couple of days ago I got it, Rumi from FashionToast was at the show and took the photos!
Seriously....I really want the rings, the necklaces,the earrings...yeah,everything!
I read somewhere recently about what trends should be forgotten for the spring and summer. There was this more overload with rings, but leave one or two hanging on.
I like the minimalism that's been back to stay for quite some time now, but the ring overload will stick with me for a long time in the future. Don't get me wrong, I have my ringless days even now, but I'm a ring person...and like to see a lot of rings on my fingers...and others for that matter.
How do you feel about "overloading" with rings ?!?
Have you heard it ?!? Zara starts to sell online in Sweden too! How great is that! Really I say, but dangerous too, knowing myself, I won't be able to hold my fingers!
Anyways, the webshop opens on March the 3d ! Shop away! =)
We've all seen different fashion shows,showing the spring/summer collections and everyone has noticed that the two biggest trends for this season are All White or All Color (the very bright ones=)).
Myself, I like the all white trend, but I am not really pro all the bright colors...not on me,anyways.
Something that I've always have been drawn to and always will be, I think, are All Black outfits! Always trendy, look amazing and there's something mysterious behind all that black that I like! You can match it anyways you like and it still won't be the same black outfit as the one on the next person!
Another huge plus is that there's loads of place to play with jewelry,accessories and mix of materials!!! =)
Been fighting an eye infection the whole day. My right eye has been half open during the whole day, but I still managed to lab! =) So I did a clean, no mascara look, which I actually really liked!
It feels better now, so it's time for a movie!
Hope your start of the week has been better! I'll see you all tomorrow! =)
Spent the whole day with my sisters and mum in town shopping! Felt so good to let the brain rest for a while! That's why I like shopping, don't you ?!? What I got home with me you'll see tomorrow!
After a long night of movie/ Vampire Diaries watching woke up an hour ago! The coffee is done and the whole apartment smells of it! Nothing better on a Saturday morning..or yes,maybe a company to drink the coffee with, which is usually my b'friend. =) I do miss him! first mission this morning is to wake up my sister and convience her to go second hand shopping with me. Will see if I succeed!
Have a Happy Saturday you all!!! See you later! =)
Btw...where can I find a bull's head ring, like that one on the last photo ?!? I know BikBok should have one, but I still haven't seen it in store..any other options ?!?
It's no secret, since I've said it thousands of times that I'm crazy for spiky, dangerous, odd looking jewelry!
Maybe you know, maybe you don't but another person who feels like I do, but it's creative enough to produce them herself, as well as my favorite jewelry designer is Pamela Love!
I already love what I'm seeing in these bad my wallet is too think for her jewelry..otherwise, I would own every single piece form her collections, old as well as new.
I was about to click all of these home as we speak! Fell in love!!!
The parkas...just what I want for a spring jacket!!! I don't have to mention that I love space prints on t-shirts (this one will be mine!). Triangle berlock on a necklace...yes please!
I will let the dress and the shoes to leave you breathless while you imagine how you will style them...I already know!!!
White and metallic mixed up with some accent colors! With details such as necklace rings and thick, bright colored wedges!!! All right for spring and summer!!!
I am still hoping that the shoes come out in production! Anyone that knows for sure ?!?
My b'friend left for a two weeks vacation in Macedonia!!! Miss him already...though I have two weeks to pay full attention to myself and my girls! Right ?!? =)
Sunday is a very slow day for me. I usually sleep in...have late morning coffee and late breakfast. Then it's time to finish up some things from the previous week for the next week and so on. Taking it easy is the moto.
Another thing I usually do on Sundays is paint my color for a new week!
Today I wish a was nailpolish artist so that i could do my nails like on the photo...Anyone who can teach me ?!?
"Good morning!!" . The sun is shining (it's -4 outside), had pancakes for breakfast and now it's time the tick off some chores and homework from the "to do" ,after that, it's time to play with the scissors!
I'm longing for summer,warmer days when I can start wearing jeansshorts! I'm seriously going to live in them! Though I already own a couple I plan to buy/make more and then do a total remake!
Tought I'm going to wear these wedges yesterday, then I woke up this morning and saw it was snowing! From spring right back to winter and I put my Dr. Marten's on! =)
Anyways...I just want to give a warm welcome to the new readers! Saw there wereplenty of you guys! Hope you stick around because I have a lot to offer!
I wish I looked like this today. Seriously, I can see myslef putting on all of these things,even think I'll try it sometime soon.
Been lieing in bed most of the day, which was a pitty because the sun was shinning...but I'm feeling better and it's time for school tomorrow! Hope the sun is up then too!!!
I'm really impressed by H&M's shoe collection for this ss11 season. There are pieces, such these, that are more then worth it to have an eye on! You can bet that I will....if there is a pair of black ones that is...=)
"Dette er et hint. Et ganske stort hint. Elsker virkelig looken til Ivanna, og det rød håret mot det svarte antrekket. Legg også merke til at hun har klippet ut skuldrene på skjorten. HOT! "
Big thanks to the gang at for such lovely comments!
Whenever I get tired from being redhead, wanting to get my original color back (light brown), since it's getting trendier and trendier as time passes and it's not so cool and unique to be a redhead...I always manage to find photos such these and be inspired again, love my red hair again...
" I'll call a timeout I swear!" a friend of mine declared couple of minutes ago on Facebook. There's nothing I can do but totally agree with him!
Besides all other things I have to do with school, I've gotten sick,my throat hurts so much I can barely speak. Tee and honey are my best friends, and I don't even like tee....'s bed time for me now. See you tomorrow!!!
How cute aren't Marcella and Lisa in matching military jackets and cool sunglasses ?!? Very, I say....and...I want a military print jacket like that!!! Now please!
Last year H&M released a smart, environmentally friendly collection from recycled materials, called The Garden Collection. Light colours, flower prints and denim....This year H&M's releasing yet another smart wonder it's called Conscious. This one is filled with colours on the bright scale, white, powder rose, beige. It's romantic and light. Silk, crochet,lace and denim, lovely materials.
The collection is going to be released in store on the 14th of April.
I'm on the look out for the crochet vest and shorts. How about you ?!?
Brown, camel, beige... any shade of brown is not my type of colour. Maybe you've noticed, maybe not. I can't explain why...bit it's just like that. I like it when other people wear it and match it specially, and it can look really good, but one me...don't think so.
That's why I like what I'm seeing on this photo! The camel suede jumpsuit, with a brown, leather belt matches perfectly with her hair colour and the patterned clutch. I love the extra touch of the beige,knitted shawl and the multi-coloured bangles.
Finished the book today! Told you they were feel a bit empty now, but that'll pass. I always feel like that after I've read an interesting book, don't you ?!?
Anyways, Elin Kling's collection for H&M has been released in store today. I didn't have the time to go (was in school) but I might go these days...but there wasn't anything I really craved (except maybe for the necklace or the silver blazer), but we'll see =)
Did you managed to "grab" yourself something from the collection ?!? Share!
Long,black cardigan from GinaTricot. Cost around 200 SEK.
Day: white,oversized tee, stopped in shredded jeansshorts, chain necklaces, round sunglasses and cowboy boots.
Night: change the jeansshorts to leather ones and the boots with sky-high heels. Dark red lips and put the sunglasses in the hair, for a different hairstyle.
Spent the whole day reading a book. It's been a long time since I read something from the Sooki Stackhouse (True Blood) series. Not so long ago, I bought the latest one, the ninth one from the series....I've forgotten how addictive they are! to continue reading...Chapter 11 is next!
I'm stuck for light colours on shoes! The white ones are from CheapMonday and are coming in production f/w 11. The beige ones are from Weekday and I'm not sure if they will be produced or not. Though, I really hope so, because I like them more....and the heel is really something else....
All for me! The lace jumpsuit, dressed down with the round glasses, the low boots, the jeans ( high waisted!) the jeans-shorts...the lovely printed top, the chunky necklace...need I continue ?!?
I like! And a big one! The silky top, high waisted costume pants, leather shorts, cut off shoulders, the color combination(!)....what's not to like!!! Would take it of from the model and wore it tomorrow!
>>> Be Wild. Be Free. Be You. <<<
Greet life with arms wide open and dare to take a step further!
Welcome to Ivanna's Closet! My style is bohemian meets hippie, with some gypsy flavor and plenty of rock'n roll! - More is always More in my book -
I am a real summer child! Love crochet, fringe, paisley patterns, shells and the sea! Always say "Yes" to new jewellery and boots, road trips, chokolate and a cup of great coffee!
Outfits, purchases, collages&flat layouts, inspirational editorials and look books! Basically everything that inspires me! I hope to inspire you too and that you will keep coming back! =)
>>> Dare To Be Different <<<
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