
Step Into My Style...


Category: General

yesterday evening...after 18:00

this morning....after 10:00

These photos are taken from the same kitchen window from my place.
What happened to the lovely spring weather we've been having since Friday ?!? Is it going to snow from now on?!? What the heck ?!?
We from Macedonia have a special saying for this month, Luda Baba Marta... Crazy Granny Martha...as in Mars the month =) and this exactly because the weather changes from sunny to snowy this quickly! =))))

>>> Comments <<<

  • ROBIN HOOD - gratis designhjälp säger:

    sv: jaha okej, är du mkt ute och fotar? :)

    2011-03-09 | 14:35:05
    >>Blog adress<<: http://robinhoods.se

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