
Step Into My Style...


Category: Tips&Fix

34. Print this out and put it near your working space...read when creativity is fading =)))
At least that's what I'll do...Don't know about you, but I always feel more creative and dare to do things in spring/summer and beginning of autumn. It feels like dark and cold weather just suck out my energy and desire to do things!
Every year it is the same and I'm trying to change that, I am noticing progress, though there's a huge difference when sun and summer arrive...

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  • CJ säger:

    SVAR: Det är det som är det bästa, gratis frakt och tull! :) Kram och ha en skön måndag!

    2012-01-30 | 09:58:10
    >>Blog adress<<: http://cjs.blogg.se/

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