
Step Into My Style...


Category: Find Your Inspiration!

via streetfsn

This is what really inspires me lately! I've got a thing for a neon-yellow accessories or pieces of clothing matched with white and black! Ah!
And since I'm feeling a bit better today and have the stenght to study...that's what I've been doing so far (and will continue to), so here is some inspiration to you guys to!

>>> Comments <<<

  • Kolega :D säger:

    Love the skirt on the last pic! It's gonna be a "yellow- season" so... yellow in one "way" or another!

    2011-03-14 | 20:03:21
  • RONJA säger:

    Hoppas du haft, och får en fortsatt bra dag! :)

    2011-03-15 | 12:14:40
    >>Blog adress<<: http://septembre.blogg.se/
  • RONJA säger:

    Tack så mmycket! allt bra med dig? :)

    2011-03-15 | 12:19:04
    >>Blog adress<<: http://septembre.blogg.se/

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